Members of the campaign “La justícia, també en català” campaign have sent a letter to the Sala de Govern del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de les Illes Balears (TSJIB) to ask the Consell General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ) to carry out a series of actions to advance the use of Catalan in the judiciary. that will enable progress to be made in the use of Catalan in the administration of justice in the Balearic Islands and thus guarantee that citizens can exercise the linguistic rights recognised by law.
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The Ministry of Justice has launched the “Justice 2030” plan, which aims, among other things, to facilitate citizens’ access to the Administration in the official language of their choice. It should be borne in mind that on several occasions the Council of Europe has called on the Spanish State to fulfil the commitments it has made by ratifying the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In addition, through the investment planned through the PERTE “Nova economia de la llengua” (New Language Economy) and instruments such as translation platforms already in operation, there are technological resources available that promote the use of the different languages.
Despite the recognised rights, the expressed will and the available resources, the reality is that the citizens of the Balearic Islands continue to find it difficult to exercise their linguistic rights in this area, even passively through written communications received.
For all these reasons, the campaign considers it necessary to make progress in the use of Catalan in the Administration of Justice in the Balearic Islands, and that this progress can be measured objectively through indicators. They therefore call on the CGPJ to take the necessary steps to provide the tools and applications that will enable citizens to interact with the Administration of Justice in the official language of their choice. They also demand that a specific chapter on the use of other official languages in the Administration of Justice be included in the annual judicial report, in accordance with article 563 of the LOPJ. Likewise, it reiterates its commitment to collaborate in the necessary actions to make progress in this area.
The campaign “La justícia, també en català” was launched just over a year ago and is promoted by the TSJIB, the Govern de les Illes Balears, the Gerència Territorial del Ministeri de Justícia, the Col-legi d’Advocats, the Col-legi de Procuradors, the Col-legi de Graduats Socials, the Deganat dels Registradors de la Propietat, Mercantils i de Béns Mobles, the Col-legi Notarial i l’Obra Cultural Balear.