The mass vaccination point at Son Dureta, where around 300,000 vaccines have been administered, closes today, although different locations will be maintained on the four islands, in addition to the health centres.
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The Govern de les Illes Balears will extend the vaccination information campaign to give new impetus to vaccination in the Balearic Islands. The aim is to make the population aware of the danger of the evolution of COVID and to remind them that vaccination is key to continued protection.
The Government’s communication campaign, which will continue throughout the winter, will include radio and television broadcasts, inserts in the written and digital press and outdoor posters, as well as dissemination on all of the Government’s social networks.
The vaccination information campaign on the Balearic Islands
The public can continue to get vaccinated at the different vaccination points that the Government has set up:
-In Mallorca, at the Espai Francesc Quetglas in Palma, in the car park of the Museu del Calçat in Inca, at the COVID-Exprés in Manacor and at health centres.
-In Menorca, at the health centres.
-On Ibiza, at the vaccination point at Can Misses Hospital and at the Sant Antoni and Santa Eulària des Riu health centres.
-In Formentera, at the Hospital de Formentera.
Where no more vaccines will be given is in Son Dureta, which closes its doors today to begin work on the new socio-health centre. Vaccinations began here 19 months ago, on 5 May 2021. Since then, around 300,000 vaccines have been inoculated.
Son Dureta has been the largest vaccination point in the Balearic Islands. It opened with eight vaccination lines, which were later extended to sixteen lines. Up to 56 health care workers, including nurses, TCAE and staff of the Health and Care Management of the Balearic Islands (GSAIB) came to work daily at this vaccination point.
The Health Service of the Balearic Islands today thanked all the health professionals for their work at this vaccination point. A space that has been adapted to the different needs that have arisen since it opened.