The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism has published the proposal for the final resolution of the second call for proposals for aid to the commercial sector. In the end, 119 projects will receive a total of 104.52 million euros.
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The Government awards 104.52 million to 119 projects to modernise municipal markets.
These subsidies are part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The money comes from the Next Generation EU funds, which provide a total of 415 million euros between 2021 and 2023 to promote and boost the competitiveness of small businesses.
The Minister of Trade, Reyes Maroto, has highlighted the value of these lines of aid to “achieve two fundamental objectives on the Government’s agenda: to support the recovery of the commercial sector, especially SMEs and the self-employed, by boosting their digital and sustainable transformation. And, on the other hand, to strengthen the fabric in small and medium-sized towns and in tourist areas, which is a key element for settling the population, favouring its development and territorial structuring”, he stressed.
“We want these actions to directly benefit the population, combating the demographic challenge and generating employment opportunities. We must take advantage of the opportunity offered by the Recovery Plan funds to strengthen and transform our commercial network, which is unique and forms part of the identity of our cities and towns”, added the minister.
The competitions held in 2022 under the lines of support for the commercial sector have had a high level of participation, as evidenced by the high number of applications received, which have reached 280 applications in the lines of sustainable urban markets, 188 in rural areas and 131 in areas of tourist affluence.