The Demand Units of Menorca, Migorn and Tramuntana Norte enter the normality scenario
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Water reserves in the Balearic Islands
The Balearic Islands’ water reserves stood at 54% in January, one point less than the previous month. The situation with respect to last year also worsens, since in January 2022 they stood at 63%. By islands, bookings fell in Formentera, from 60% to 56%, in Mallorca (from 55% to 53%) and in Eivissa (from 53% to 51%). In Menorca, they increased by one point, from 57% to 58%.
As for the Demand Units (DU), Menorca, Migjorn and Tramuntana Norte fall within the normal scenario, along with Formentera. The remaining six UDs remain in the pre-alert scenario.
With regard to information from the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the data indicate that December was a normal month in the Balearic Islands, with an average of 44.5 l/m2 of rainfall, which is 21% less than the historical average (56.5 l/m2).
By islands, January was a wet month in Formentera (with 45.4 l/m2 compared to the 31.2 l/m2 of the historical average), normal in Mallorca (47.2 l/m2 compared to 59 l/m2) and in Eivissa (45 l/m2 compared to the 44.4 l/m2 of the historical average) and dry in Menorca (26.2 l/m2 compared to 55.1 l/m2).
In the case of interannual rainfall, in the Balearic Islands, it is less than 100%, standing at 92%. By islands, in Mallorca, it stands at 86%, 14% below the historical average, while in the Pitiüses it is 21 points above this average and in Menorca 14%.