The councillor of Presidency and Public Administration, Antònia Estarellas, wanted to accompany the pollencinas and pollencins on the big day of the festivities of the Patron Saint of Pollença. The councillor has attended the Office and the dance of l’Oferta by the Cossiers in the parish in honour of the Mare de Déu dels Àngels. The party then moved to the Plaza Mayor where the cossies and the lady danced, thanks to the harmonies played by the xeremiers.
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Antònia Estarellas has enjoyed the most emblematic festival of the pollencins and points out the importance of preserving and promoting island traditions. The councillor is grateful for the invitation of the mayor of Pollença, Martí March, to the festivities of the Patron Saint.
The events were also attended by the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés.