CD Llosetense players leave 1 disastrous experience

Nov 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

CD Llosetense players leave 1 disastrous experience in a rented house to Antonia Coll Seguí

Antonia, born in Lloseta, has wanted to share with the neighbours of Lloseta, and the region how her rented house has been left, after eight months, in which it has been the home of the players of CD Llosetense.

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“I do not know how to ask for the money they owe me for the rent and the damage caused by the players. I want it to be known and I want to help so that no one else has what happened to me”.

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CD Llosetense players

When did your relationship with CD Llosetense begin?
It started by chance. I was in a hairdresser’s and I mentioned that I had a house to rent. A man, who was there, heard it and told me that he was interested.
This is where it all started, which I sincerely do not wish to anyone.

CD Llosetense players 2

Players of CD Llosetense and Antonia Coll Seguí

How did you follow the contacts to make effective the rental contract?
This man ide
ntified himself as the guardian of Australian children who play with CD Llosetense. We met with the directors of CD Llosetense, they loved the property and we fixed the terms of the contract and the amount to be received for the rent.

CD Llosetense players and the rent

Who signed the rental contract?
It was signed by two players and a representative of one of the CD Llosetense players.

CD Llosetense players
CD Llosetense players

Did you find it strange that the players signed when the CD Llosetense board came to see the property and negotiated the agreements of the contract?
At first, it seemed normal to me. But I soon changed my mind. Those players left the Club in a few months. Other players came to live in the house and nobody informed me of anything.

What do you know today that makes you think that the management of the rented houses where the CD Llosetense players live is a bit strange?
The players have told me that the rentals are part of their package of conditions. That means that they come to accommodation managed by CD Llosetense.

CD Llosetense players and non-payments

CD Llosetense players 4

Do you know of others affected by non-payments related to CD Llosetense?
Yes, I do. I can talk about my experience. I am owed rent, water, electricity and material damages.

I have heard of others affected, who do not get paid. They don’t pay their rent or bills.

What did the occupants of your rented house tell you to justify that CD Llosetense did not pay you?
They have shown me their solidarity. They have passed me contacts of their colleagues who are also claiming payments from CD Llosetense.

CD Llosetense players and recommendations

What would you recommend to people who might rent a house to CD Llosetense players?
Based on my experience. They go very carefully. Personally, I thought that a centenary Club that represents the feeling of Lloseta would be a guarantee of economic liquidity.

CD Llosetense players 5
CD Llosetense players

Why do you think they do not pay you?
Well, the truth is, I don’t know. They tell me they have no money, but just see that they do not stop and perform multiple activities and events. In which we can all see their sponsors.

CD Llosetense players
CD Llosetense players