Call for grants for studies and research on the Menorca Biosphere Reserve is now open

Dec 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The grants, which aim to expand knowledge of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve, were established this year as priority lines studies on the circular economy, urban ecology and environmental vectors, water bodies, etc.

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Menorca Biosphere Reserve

The Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency of the Consell Insular de Menorca has opened the annual call for environmental studies and research for the Menorca Biosphere Reserve. These grants are awarded to research projects that contribute to improving scientific knowledge of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve. The main objective of the grants is to support the conservation, recovery and management of the natural environment.

“From 2019, these grants will provide financial support to researchers interested in studying our biosphere reserve in a wide range of fields. To date, the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency has granted a total of 100,000 euros in aid that has boosted more than a dozen studies on endemic fauna and flora, waste prevention, biodiversity conservation or even research using artificial intelligence to study species,” said the councillor for the Environment, Biosphere Reserve and Cooperation, Simón Gornés.

Deadline and amount of aid
The call for applications was published on 9 December 2023 in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands. Thus, individuals, groups or entities interested in presenting research projects in Menorca may apply for aid within 30 calendar days from the day following publication in the BOIB. Therefore, the deadline for submitting applications is 8 January 2024.

The call for applications foresees a total amount of 25,000 euros to be distributed among the accepted projects. The maximum amount of aid for each project may not exceed 5,000 euros, so that a minimum of five research projects may be granted.

Priority lines of research
The projects submitted must be related to environmental issues, although the call establishes a series of priority lines of study under the specific needs set out in the Action Plan of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve. Projects that are in line with these lines of research will be given an additional assessment. The priority fields for the 2023 call are the following:

  • Circular economy, urban ecology and environmental vectors.
  • Improving knowledge of surface and groundwater bodies.
  • Studies and work contribute to improving knowledge of the biodiversity (terrestrial and marine) present in the biosphere reserve of Menorca, as well as its relationship with the rural world and the marine environment.

Once the deadline for submitting projects has passed, an evaluation committee will decide on the granting of aid, and the beneficiaries will have a maximum period of one year to carry out the project.

Applications may be submitted electronically or in person, under the provisions of Law 39/2015, on the common administrative procedure for public administrations.

New web section on study and research grants for the Biosphere Reserve
A new section has been added to the website of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve ( called “Grants for environmental studies and research” where the final reports of the annual call for grants in environmental research convened annually by the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency are shown.

This new web section shows a summary of each of the projects awarded, as well as access to the complete project. The entry route to the section is by accessing Projects > Research and resources > Study and research grants or via this link:

Applications can be processed through this link: