The Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports earmarks 70 million euros for two calls for subsidies financed with European funds

Jan 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has today published two calls for applications for subsidies worth 70 million euros, both within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by Next Generation EU funds.

This investment will finance actions to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector at the local level, as well as the purchase of mechanisms to increase the number of beds in tourist establishments.

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Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports

On the one hand, 60.4 million euros have been earmarked for a new call to finance actions to improve the competitiveness and adaptability of the Balearic Islands in the field of tourism. The beneficiaries of this call are local entities (municipalities and island councils) and it includes two different programmes, one for €44,500,000 and the other for €15,988,033.

Programme 1 (44.5 M) is open to any local entity wishing to act on public infrastructures, with special attention to improving the attractiveness of public spaces to promote tourism, environmental management and waste treatment, the promotion of sustainable mobility, as well as the requalification of obsolete tourist infrastructure.

Also eligible for subsidies are the strengthening of public services in areas of special tourist influence, training linked to the tourism sector, the development of alternative tourism products and the modernisation of supply, as well as the creation of incentives to facilitate connectivity and for tourism companies to operate outside the high season. Also the promotion as a tourist destination of historical and cultural interest.

On the other hand, Programme 2 (15.9 M) is aimed at the improvement of saturated and mature areas through the purchase of tourist accommodation establishments, projects for the regeneration and renaturation of tourist areas and, finally, incentives for the downgrading of obsolete or low-quality tourist accommodation places.

The actions of Programme 2 must necessarily be carried out within the limits of the areas of excess or saturated and mature areas defined in the tourism regulations in force at the time of approval of the call for applications.

The deadline for submitting applications for this call is one month from the day following publication in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands. Once the deadline for submitting applications has expired and the sum of the amount of aid requested is less than the credit provided, new deadlines for submitting applications may be opened.

Subsidies for the purchase of bed-lifting mechanisms

Together with this call for local entities, the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports has today published a new call for applications, with a budget of 9.8 million euros, for the granting of subsidies for the purchase of bed lifting mechanisms, which can be operated either mechanically or electrically, for the modernisation and innovation in hygiene and cleanliness of tourist accommodation establishments.

The beneficiaries of this subsidy may be natural or legal persons of a private nature who are operators or owners of the following establishments: hotels, city hotels, flat hotels, inland tourism accommodation, wellness hotels, tourist flats, rural hotels, agrotourism, inns, hostels, hostels-residences, guesthouses, inns, guest houses, tourist camps and campsites.

The subsidies awarded are granted per establishment, which means that only one application may be submitted for the same establishment by the operators or owners.

The deadline for submitting applications begins on the working day following publication of the call for applications in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands and ends on 30 June 2024.