200 people attended the preview of the film Faro, filmed mainly in Menorca

Jan 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The film has the support of the Fundación Fomento del Turismo and Menorca Film Commission

200 people attended the preview of the film Faro

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More than 200 people attended the preview of the film Faro, held Tuesday night at the Ocimax cinema in Mahon. It is a work by director Ángeles Hernández and stars Hugo Silva, Zoe Arnao, Irene Montalà and Sergio Castellanos.

The film is mainly shot on the island and the Fundación Fomento del Turismo de Menorca and Menorca Film Commission have sponsored it by providing 90,000 euros for the development of an audiovisual project that supports the image of Menorca in outbound markets through film tourism.

Faro deals with a story of terror and family grief through the relationship between a father and daughter and is set in a lighthouse isolated from the world.

Part of the team attended Tuesday the preview in Mahón and told their experience filming in Menorca. An experience they hope to repeat soon.

Faro will hit theatres on January 26th. The president of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca, explained during the preview that these projects are positive for the island because “they help diversify the economy and contribute to deseasonalization. In addition, they show Menorca from another perspective”. “Menorca is a film set that we want to promote. We have recently made its second edition of the Menorca Film Market, which we want to position as a reference space for audiovisual professionals locally, nationally and internationally,” added Vilafranca.

The shooting of the film, which lasted almost four weeks, generated an economic impact of half a million euros on the island.