The Conselleria de Educación increases the provision of digital screens in schools

Jan 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Service of Information Technologies for Education of the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities continues with the implementation of digital classrooms in the centres of the Balearic Islands supported by public funds. Currently, the third phase of the installation of panels is being carried out. It has been decided to increase the provision in the subsidized centres, which will receive 926 digital screens instead of the 650 screens initially planned. These screens will be distributed among 117 subsidized centres.

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Increases the provision of digital screens in schools

Currently, the installation of the 2,404 panels corresponding to phase three of the provision of interactive panels, laptops and document cameras, which includes subsidized centres, has already begun. In total, by April, 5,756 digital classrooms will have been installed in both public and subsidized centres, and the initial objectives of the #EcoDigEdu program for the Balearic Islands, which foresaw 5,520 digital classrooms, will be exceeded. In addition, currently, the Conselleria Conselleria de Educación y Universidades manages more than 14,000 laptops on loan.

Currently, the Information Technology Service for Education manages more than 14,000 laptops on loan. There are 219 centers that have already completed training in interactive panels with a total of 5,509 teachers who have certified training in interactive panels.