Transport sets the conditions for the sale and use of free multi-journey tickets on state bus lines

Jan 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The ticket will be personal and non-transferable and for each period of validity, only one single multi-journey ticket per person and origin and destination will be allowed.

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Transport sets the conditions for the sale and use of free multi-journey tickets

Passengers inside a bus line passengers inside a bus line
The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has published a resolution that sets the conditions for implementing free travel on state-owned bus lines throughout the year 2024. Specifically, the Ministry creates a multi-trip ticket for each of the origins and destinations of all bus concessions, which will be free of charge for regular passengers, in line with the system established in 2023.

The measure, included in Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 of December 27, seeks to encourage the use of collective public transport and thus accelerate the shift to healthier, safer and more sustainable mobility, contributing to reducing polluting emissions and ensuring the accessibility and affordability of transport. All this in a context marked by the uncertainty in the evolution of energy prices due to the conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East and the overcoming of the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and the high increase in inflation.

The conditions
The resolution establishes the conditions of recurrence, sale and use, validity and expiration of the multi-journey tickets, as well as the obligations to be fulfilled by the concessionaires of the state-owned bus lines to establish free services.

In this sense, for 2024, the specific multi-journey tickets for each origin destination will remain valid for four months, which corresponds to each four months of the year. Thus, a ticket valid until April 30, another valid until August 31 and a third valid until December 31 will continue to be available to users.

General conditions of use and acquisition:

A different ticket for each origin-destination (journey).
Valid for unlimited travel on the same route.
The customer will pay a deposit depending on the origin destination to purchase the multi-journey ticket, which will be refunded if the minimum recurrence of 16 trips is reached during the four months of validity of each ticket.
The trips must be made regularly.
The security deposit for a multi-journey ticket is established for each regular public transport service trip depending on the passenger’s journey and the price of the ticket:
20 euros deposit for journeys with a ticket price up to 5.00 euros.

35 euros deposit for journeys with a ticket price between 5.01 and 13.00 euros.

50 euros deposit for journeys with ticket prices between 13,01 and 25,00 euros.

65 euros deposit for journeys with ticket prices over 25.00 euros.

The deposit for each pass will be refunded as long as the above conditions are met. In case of non-compliance with the minimum number of trips, the amount of the deposit will be considered as compensation and will not be returned to the passenger.
Only the Large Family discount may be applied to the amount of the deposit.
The free tickets will be acquired in the sales channels of the different concessionary companies of the state-owned bus lines (the service providers) and these will be personal, so that, for their issuance, the DNI, Foreigner Identification Number (NIE) or passport, as well as the cell phone or email will be recorded. For minors without a DNI, the date of birth will be required.

Once the users have registered in the place enabled by each service concessionaire company that serves the specific origin destination, it will issue a unique personalized code (in QR and/or alphanumeric format) to obtain the tickets.

To avoid irregular use of multi-journey tickets, users shall comply with the following conditions:

The ticket will be personal and non-transferable.
For each period of validity (every four months), only one multi-trip ticket may be purchased per person, origin and destination.
It will not be possible to purchase more than one round trip per day unless previously cancelled.
It shall not be possible to make trips in consecutive expeditions with a time less than three times the time of the outward journey.
In the case of minors, the multi-journey ticket shall be issued for the minor covered by the DNI, NIE or passport of the father/mother/guardian.
It shall be considered improper use not to cancel a trip formalized and not made at least 24 hours in advance. The concessionary company may reduce this period in short journeys in which most of the journeys are for compulsory mobility. It shall not be considered improper use to change tickets on this type of trip.
The use of a ticket by a person other than the holder of the multi-journey ticket shall be considered improper use.
If the concessionary company detects improper use of the multi-journey tickets on three occasions in each period of validity, the ticket and the deposit shall be withdrawn. Previously, the company would warn by SMS message to the cell phone or registered email of the possible consequences of its action.

Thus, the user will not be able to purchase again a subsidized ticket for any origin-destination of the same contract until the end of its validity period.