IBISEC puts out to tender the construction work for the new CEIP Es Mercadal for 6,863,727.70 euros

Jan 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Institut Balear d’Infraestructures i Serveis Educatius (IBISEC) of the Consellería de Educació I Universitats has today put out to tender the construction work for the new CEIP Es Mercadal on the island of Menorca for 6,863,727.70 euros, of which 81,170.30 euros will be used to manage the waste from work.

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The new educational infrastructure will be built on a municipal-owned plot of 8,158 square metres. The centre will be a two-line nursery and primary school, with six units of nursery education (from 3 to 6 years old) and twelve units of primary education (from 6 to 12 years old), with a total of 450 school places. It will also have a UECCO classroom.

The new building will be U-shaped and will have six independent entrances to facilitate its operation. The building will be adapted to the site’s topography and will have two floors with a central courtyard. Complementary spaces such as the dining room and kitchen, multi-purpose classrooms, gymnasium and sports courts will be located under the primary school pavilion.

The total built surface area of the new CEIP Es Mercadal will be 3,636.76 square metres, and the construction period will be 15 months.

The project was put out to tender after the Consell de Govern of 20 October renewed the general interest in the work and on 7 December gave the go-ahead to the expenditure of 6.8 million euros for the construction of the new CEIP.