Recommendations from the Direcció General de Prestacions, Farmàcia i Consum on shopping during the January sales

Jan 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The sales period is here, and for the next two months, you can buy what you need at a more advantageous price but always bear in mind that it is the price of the product that is being reduced, not it’s quality or safety or your rights as a consumer.

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Recommendations from the Direcció General de Prestacions, Farmàcia i Consum

The Directorate General for Services, Pharmacy and Consumer Affairs offers a series of recommendations so that consumers can have more information at this time of increased supply:

Calculate beforehand what you want to spend and make a list. Compare prices and qualities. The original price should be stated next to the discounted price or the percentage of the discount. Discounted products must be differentiated from the rest.
The regulations state that the products must have been part of the establishment’s regular offer for at least one month and that their quality must not be different from what it was before they were discounted.
Although some shops have special conditions for sales purchases (regarding returns, acceptance of card payments, etc.), they must be indicated and in a visible place.
Ask for and keep the invoices or purchase receipts because you will need them for any possible complaint, exchange or refund.

Try to choose establishments that are members of the consumer arbitration system. In the event of disagreement, they will resolve disputes quickly and free of charge.
Remember that the establishment is not obliged to exchange a product that is in perfect condition. Most companies do so, but it does not have to be for money, it can also be for another product or a voucher. For online purchases, you have 14 calendar days to return the product.
Keep the advertisement of the product together with the characteristics, instructions and commercial catalogues. Remember that advertising is binding and can be enforced.
Remember that the after-sales service and the application of the guarantee are the same during the sales or outside this period.

For more information, interested parties can contact:
Palma: 971 17 79 79
Maó: 971 17 73 73 33
Eivissa: 971 17 70 67
Social networks: @IBConsum
Consum portal
Free consumer helpline: 900 16 60 60 00
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