Health and Education recommendations for families to ensure a safe return to the classroom after the Christmas vacation

Jan 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The increase in flu cases makes it advisable to take some measures to prevent viruses.

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Health and Education recommendations for families

Public Health reminds us that vaccines are safe

The Conselleries of Health and Education make a series of recommendations to the families of the islands, on the occasion of the return to the classrooms of the children after the Christmas vacations, due to the increase of respiratory viruses.

The Direcció General de Salut Pública recalls the importance of flu vaccination in children since children under 5 years old can have serious complications, which are avoidable if they are properly immunized. At present, all the health centres of the islands have an intranasal vaccine for children between 24 months and 18 years of age. This can help to increase the number of vaccinated children and therefore protect them from the complications of the disease, while at the same time, it can help to reduce the transmission of the virus among the most vulnerable members of the family. In addition, Public Health makes a series of preventive recommendations:

Cleaning and disinfection before certain activities.

Ensure adequate ventilation of enclosed spaces, as far as possible.

Remember the importance of continuous hand cleaning with soap and water or hydroalcoholic solution.

Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Use disposable tissues to contain respiratory droplets or secretions and then throw them in the wastebasket.

Avoid sharing personal items.

Specific care of recreational areas and water sources. Do not take children to school if they have symptoms (especially fever) and insist on the importance of vaccinating them against childhood influenza.

These recommendations are extended, in most points, to the adult population. Remember that vaccines prevent infections and protect our environment.