President Galmés visits La Paloma municipal solid waste treatment plant in Madrid

Jan 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The plant, located in the Technological Park of Valdemingómez, has technology and protocols similar to those of the new composting plant of Llucmajor.

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President Galmés visits La Paloma

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has visited Madrid the solid urban waste treatment plant La Paloma, one of the four centres that make up the Valdemingómez Technological Park. The centre, which, among others, has an organic matter composting plant and a leachate treatment plant, has technology and protocols similar to those of the new composting plant in Llucmajor. These modern facilities combine advanced technologies with the minimization of environmental impact. Its treatment capacity is 219,000 tons per year of residual fraction. The Llucmajor composting plant will have a treatment capacity of 21,000 tons per year of selectively collected organic matter.

The president of the insular institution, Llorenç Galmés, said that “the visit to the treatment plant has been very enriching, especially to see how they optimize the composting processes because part of its technology and the protocols used are equivalent to those that will have the new composting plant of Llucmajor. A plant that will be key in the management of municipal waste in Mallorca”.

Specifically, at La Paloma, the composting and refining process is carried out in twenty-four closed tunnels – twelve fermentation and twelve maturation tunnels – and has a deodorization and air purification system. The compound obtained is sent to the refining module, an element of the facility made up of mechanical separation devices, the purpose of which is to remove the impurities that accompany the compound to obtain a quality product. On the other hand, the leachates and other process water generated, both in the composting and refining plant and in the other facilities of the Center, are purified in a treatment plant that provides water suitable for cleaning and irrigation uses.

President Galmés also visited the Las Dehesas treatment centre, the Las Lomas urban waste valuation and composting centre, the waste landfill and the visitors’ centre at the Valdemingómez Technology Park, accompanied by the general manager of URBASER treatment, Rafael Guinea, and the general manager of TIRME, Antoni Pons.

New composting plant in Llucmajor
The new composting plant to be located in Llucmajor will be a strategic infrastructure to improve waste management on the island, in particular, the organic fraction. Besides betting on composting, the aim is to decentralize this service because the treatment of the FORM, which cannot be compacted and therefore does not pass through the transfer stations, is carried out closer to the points of production. In this way, transport and CO₂ emissions to the atmosphere will be reduced.

The Consell de Mallorca declared of general interest the public works for the construction of the Llucmajor composting plant and it has been declared a strategic project by the CAIB Government.