Culture announces 8 million in grants for the promotion of the video game, podcasts and other forms of digital creation sector

Jan 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

As part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, this line of aid is managed by the Directorate General for Cultural Industries, Intellectual Property and Cooperation.

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Culture announces 8 million in grants

The Ministry of Culture, through the Directorate General for Cultural Industries, Intellectual Property and Cooperation, has published the order calling for 8 million euros in aid for the promotion of the video games, podcasts and other forms of digital creation sector, corresponding to 2024, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This is the third edition of this line of aid, which aims to support the ecosystem of video games, podcasts and digital creation, and the projects must be cultural and/or interesting.

The recipients are professionals registered in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized for-profit companies, of Spanish nationality, of any member state of the European Union or of the signatory states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area that have tax residence in Spain.

The activities covered by the grants are the pre-production, production and distribution of video games, podcasts and other forms of digital creation, including narrative experiences in VR, AR, XR formats, whether interactive or non-interactive, narrative experiences oriented to metaverses and others. They also contemplate giving support to incubation, mentoring or acceleration programs for projects related to these categories, whether in physical, digital or hybrid (digital and physical) format; as well as professional events and cultural exhibitions related to video games, podcasts and other forms of digital creation.

Projects must contribute to one of the following purposes:

(a) To promote investments that allow the development, production, edition, distribution and/or commercialization of projects in the video game, podcast and other forms of digital creation sector, as well as the improvement of the quality of their offer.

b) To increase the generation of employment by promoting the development, professionalization and structuring of the sector, as well as to encourage the presence of women in the industry and promote the achievement of gender equality.

c) To increase the visibility of Spanish video games, podcasts and other forms of digital creation sector in the sector’s main international markets.

d) Promote the responsible and healthy use of new technologies, as well as the defence of intellectual property rights and the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals at a global level.

e) To stimulate innovation, entrepreneurship and strategic transformation capabilities in the video game, podcast and digital creation sector.

The aid granted by the Ministry of Culture in this call represents a maximum of 80% of the total cost of the project. At least 20% of the project must be financed with own funds or with other public or private contributions. The maximum amount requested may not exceed 80,000 euros.

Applications must be sent through the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Culture, within the established deadline, between January 10 and 30, 2024.