The Tax Agency has already refunded more than 11.2 billion euros to 14,691,000 taxpayers by the end of the year

Jan 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

97.5% of the requested refunds have already been made and 95% of the amounts corresponding to these requests have been paid.

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Tax Agency

The Tax Agency has already refunded 11,269 million Euros to 14,691,000 taxpayers of the Personal Income Tax for 2022 (IRPF 2022). Thus, as of December 29, 97.5% of the refunds requested in number have been made and 95% of the corresponding amounts have been paid, ratios very similar to those of last year.

As already noted in July at the close of the campaign, there is currently a strong increase in the year-on-year rate of refunds paid (+8.5% in number and +16.5% in amount), which is a consequence of the increase recorded in the taxpayers’ requests for refunds. At the end of the year, a total of 23,005,000 returns had been filed, 3.9% more than the previous year, of which 65.5% (15,067,000) were refundable and 6,435,000 were refundable.

By means of filing returns, the ‘Le Llamamos’ plan for making returns by telephone remains the main system with personalized assistance, with 1,070,000 returns, a figure very similar to that of last year and which represents almost 58% of all the filings made with personalized assistance. The remainder corresponds to the more than 779,000 returns filed in offices, 20.1% more than the previous year.

1,850,000 returns with personalized assistance
Thus, a total of 1,850,000 returns were filed in the last campaign with specific assistance to taxpayers, either in offices or by telephone, which is 124,000 more than in the previous campaign. This is a double alternative for those taxpayers less accustomed to new technologies who require personalized assistance, with or without going to a physical office.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of taxpayers, almost 92% of the total, continue to file their income tax returns online. In the campaign that is now coming to an end, 21,155,000 returns have been filed by this means, of which 20,627,000 through the Agency’s web page, 3.2% more than the previous year.

The remaining 528,000 returns, up to the total of those filed online, have been filed through the Agency’s mobile application, a channel that this year has registered a strong increase of 23.3% in filings. Of these returns, almost 399,000 (+31.3%), correspond to ‘one-click’ filings and the rest are taxpayers who have also filed through the ‘app’ after an intermediate step through Renta Web to make some modifications.

On-line assistance in Renta all year round
The main novelty of this campaign, the ‘Virtual Income Tax Assistant’, has remained available throughout the year on the Agency’s website, together with the ‘Informer’, to resolve any doubts about the tax that taxpayers may have. In the year as a whole, both tools have offered more than 790,000 answers to taxpayers, an overall figure that includes the 522,000 answers they offered during the campaign itself and which was 3.5 times more than the ‘Informador’ in last year’s campaign.

The ‘assistant’ is another step forward in the flexibility of the help system offered by the Agency, since the taxpayer can ask questions in natural language to get the answer he needs.