The Consell de Mallorca activates the emergency protocol given the forecast of low temperatures and a new low drop in temperatures

Jan 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The IMAS expands the number of places in the shelters and speeds up the process so that everyone who wants to access one of the centres of the Xarxa d’Inclusió can do it.

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The Consell de Mallorca activates the emergency protocol given the forecast of low temperatures

To give a quick response of accommodation and to the needs of the people who usually find themselves in a situation of homelessness and to guarantee their welfare before the forecast of a new drop of the temperatures. With this objective in mind, the Consell de Mallorca, through the IMAS, has decided today to activate the social emergency protocol, which is put into operation in situations in which adverse weather conditions or a significant drop in temperatures below 6 degrees Celsius occur.

The Unitat Mòbil d’Emergència Social (UMES), an IMAS service managed by the Red Cross, and the Assessment Team of the IMAS Social Inclusion area, have decided today to activate the emergency level until the weather conditions improve and the wind chill is less cold.

The main objective of the IMAS with the activation of the emergency protocol is to speed up the entry into a centre for all those who spend the night on the street regularly and who wish to gain access. In this way, during the time that the protocol is active, the minimum requirements necessary to access each of the centres in normal weather conditions are not taken into account and disciplinary expulsions are avoided, except in the most serious cases.

In addition, and if necessary, the number of places in the different reception centres that make up the network (Sa Placeta, Casa de Família, Ca l’Ardiaca and the Manacor shelter) is increased. Likewise, the Mobile Social Emergency Unit (UMES) has extended its opening hours from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. (compared to its usual opening hours of 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.).

During the time the emergency protocol lasts, efforts are intensified to locate and convince people living on the street to agree to go to one of these centres. Likewise, the distribution of blankets, and hot drinks and the service of accompanying and monitoring users is also intensified.