The Government of the Balearic Islands was awarded the Audacious Distinctions of Spain for the best regional practices in the field of transparency

Jan 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Government of the Balearic Islands has been awarded in the first edition of the Audacious Distinctions to the best regional practices in transparency for its initiative to give maximum visibility to the exercise of the right of access to public information in the scope of the Autonomous Community. Specifically, the government’s project to offer, from the Transparency Portal, complete and updated information on the management of requests and complaints in this area, including requests for environmental information, has been considered the best state practice to promote publicity and facilitate citizen access to data and documents held by the Administration. In this sense, the transparent management of management of this fiscal year has been valued, surpassing the active publicity that other administrations offer in this area.

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The Government of the Balearic Islands was awarded the Audacious Distinctions of Spain

The Audacious Distinctions, established for the first time in 2023, aim to give visibility to and recognize the most innovative and effective initiatives in transparency at the regional level, as well as to highlight significant advances in the quality of public information.

The organization responsible for convening these distinctions is RAGA Internacional (Red Académica de Gobierno Abierto Internacional), the most important network of Spanish-speaking open government researchers in the world. Founded in 2015 and with a presence in several Ibero-American countries, including Spain, RAGA Internacional works to promote transparency, citizen participation and collaboration in public governance.

High participation

The first edition of these awards has had the participation of 13 autonomous communities, which have submitted a total of 33 nominations for one of the categories called (Best Good Practice in Transparency or Most Significant Advance in Active Publicity). In the awarding of the distinctions, special consideration has been given to the criteria of innovation, social impact of the initiative, collaboration with other actors and contribution to the promotion of transparency.

The awards ceremony will take place on March 15 in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valladolid, the entity that has collaborated in the announcement of these awards.

The winning initiative can be consulted at

Commitment to transparency and accountability

The distinction awarded to the Govern de les Illes Balears in this call highlights the commitment of the regional executive to transparency and accountability to citizens. Thus, the winning project offers a fully transparent management of the exercise of the right of access to public information that is enshrined in Law 19/2013, of December 9 and that allows citizens to access information or documentation held by the administration, except that which is restricted by the established legal limits. Another manifestation of this commitment is the recent renewal, for the years 2024 and 2025, of the agreement with the Council for Transparency and Good Governance, whereby the competence to resolve complaints regarding the right of access against decisions issued by the administrations of the Balearic Islands is delegated to this state body. This guarantees that appeals filed in this area are resolved by a highly specialized entity that is independent of the administrations concerned.