The Government of the Balearic Islands creates the Natural Heritage Fund of the Balearic Islands

Jan 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Government, through the approval of Law 12/2023, of 29 December, on the general budget of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands (CAIB) for the year 2024, has created the Natural Heritage Fund of the Balearic Islands. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment stress that the creation of funds associated with nature conservation actions is a very useful tool for channelling investments specifically aimed at specific aspects that are intended to enhance.

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Natural Heritage Fund of the Balearic Islands

In this sense, the general director of Natural Environment and Forest Management of the Government, Anna Torres, remarks that the possibility that these funds are nourished not only by possible contributions from the CAIB through its general budget but also from those coming from other public administrations and legal and natural persons, “gives them a participatory nature of interest to society”. Through this fund, actions will be financed to improve the natural habitats of the Balearic Islands or ecological processes in general, including those that refer to the fight against climate change, such as those related to carbon absorption, carbon footprint and the like.

In addition, the possibility that this type of fund is linked to mechanisms of transparency and information, as is also the case of the Posidonia Committee for the Posidonia Fund, accentuates the participatory nature and the social interest that it is intended to promote.

However, the wording not only includes the creation and the possibilities of endowment mentioned but also empowers the Councilor for Agriculture, Fishing and Natural Environment, Joan Simonet, to create the Advisory Council of the Natural Heritage Fund, a collegiate consultative body of a participatory nature with the function of informing and advising the environmental administration in the decision-making process when it is required. In this way, this fund, as in the case of the Posidonia Fund with the Posidonia Committee, is provided with a tool for transparency and participation, the composition of which is to be determined by regulation.