Prohens announces that the Government will position the Balearic Islands as a destination for tourism innovation at Fitur

Jan 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The President of the Government, Margalida Prohens, visited the Mallorcan company Juniper Travel Technology, a provider of technological services to tourism companies, this Friday, where she announced that the Government will position the Balearic Islands as a destination for tourism innovation at Fitur, and insisted on its commitment to innovation in the sector and the development of artificial intelligence, also applied to tourism in the Balearic Islands.

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The Government will position the Balearic Islands as a destination for tourism innovation at Fitur

Prohens highlighted the work of the company Juniper Travel Technology, headquartered in Palma and represented worldwide, with 300 professional experts in technology applied to the tourism sector, which has reservation systems for accommodation, flights, and cruises and has more than 500 tourism companies worldwide as clients.

The president has put the Mallorcan company as an example of the model that the Government wants to transfer as a benchmark and exporter of innovation and technology applied to the tourism industry, such as artificial intelligence, which Juniper is already applying to the mapping of accommodation with the Juniper Vervotech division.

Prohens was received by the company’s general manager, Juan Mateos, the head of marketing, Joana Bauzá, and the head of planning and processes, Jeroni Navarrete. Also taking part on behalf of the Government were the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Jaume Bauzà, and the Director General of Tourism, Pep Aloy. During the visit, they toured the facilities and later the President and the Minister Bauzà met with the heads of the organisation.