The Consell de Mallorca presents the play Coraje de Madre, which comes to the Teatro Principal after a season in Madrid.

Jan 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Helena Pimenta directs this co-production of the Teatro Principal with the Teatro La Abadía and it will be performed tomorrow Saturday at 8 pm.

The Consell de Mallorca presents the play Coraje de Madre

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The Consell de Mallorca presents the play Coraje de madre (Mother’s Courage), an original by George Tabori, which comes to Palma’s Teatro Principal this Saturday the 13th of January. This co-production by the Teatro Principal, the Teatro La Abadía theatre in Madrid and the Ur Teatro company can be seen in the Sala Gran at 8 pm. The play, directed by Helena Pimenta, stars Carmen del Valle, Pedro Ponce, David Bueno and Sacha Tomé, as well as Mallorcan Xavi Frau.

In this play, George Tabori tells the story of how his mother, Elsa Tabori, was saved from being deported to a Nazi extermination camp in World War II. The Hungarian author, little known and little represented in Spain but with an extensive oeuvre, uses humour, and at the same time respect, to explain the Holocaust, based on the events that happened to his mother in 1944.

The island’s Director of Culture, Guillem Ginard, presented the play today and expressed his enthusiasm for hosting this significant production at the Teatre Principal. “Not only are we offering the public an exceptional theatrical experience, but we are also contributing to the dissemination of stories that invite us to reflect on human resilience in times of adversity”.

Coraje de Madre premiered in Madrid in February 2023, where it ran for a month at the Teatro de la Abadía and received favourable reviews from the specialised press. Now, with its stay at the Principal de Palma, it opens the door to a tour that will take this production to the main theatres in Spain.