Labour and trade unions agree on a 5% increase in the minimum wage

Jan 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) stands at 1,134 euros per month and it is estimated that it will benefit 2.5 million people, especially women and young people.

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Agree on a 5% increase in the minimum wage

Labor and trade unions agree on a 5% increase in the SMILabor and trade unions meet to discuss the increase in the SMI
The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy and the trade union organizations CCOO and UGT have reached an agreement to raise the Minimum Interprofessional Wage for 2024 by 5%. This figure represents an increase of 54 euros per month more in 14 payments, i.e., a total of 756 euros per year.

From 2018, the SMI is increased, with today’s rise, by 54% which means that working people will receive 5,573 euros more per year.

Domestic employees working by the hour will receive, at least, 8.87 euros for each hour.

Entry into force
The new SMI will be applied retroactively when its processing is completed, which will begin with the publication in Public Hearing and Information and, subsequently, the Royal Decree will be approved by the Council of Ministers.

During the visit, both president Galmés and the president of IMAS valued very positively “the innovative effort and change of model that Mater is implementing in its structure to improve the care of people with intellectual disabilities by growing and improving social services, thinking at all times to give everyone what they need”.

For her part, the general director of Mater, Bárbara Mestre, who thanked the visit, assured that “Mater reaffirms its firm will to collaborate with the insular institution” to “continue improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities”.