New call for grants for the incorporation of research personnel published

Jan 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

With a total amount of 3,347,400 €, the Postdoc 2023 call will involve the incorporation of 30 researchers to the Science System of the Balearic Islands.

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Grants for the incorporation of research personnel published

The 2023 call increases by ten the number of grants, as well as the minimum remuneration that researchers must receive.

The Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation has opened the application period for grants for entities and companies for the incorporation of research personnel.

The call, which has a total amount for three years of 3,347,400 €, offers 30 grants for the recruitment of research personnel distributed as follows: 13 for young researchers, 16 for senior researchers and 1 for private companies. This represents an increase of 10 grants concerning the previous call.

The amount of each of the grants has also been increased, as well as the minimum remuneration that each of the contracted researchers must receive, which is now 29,000 € for young researchers and 33,500 € for senior and company researchers.

New features of the call

In addition, the call also incorporates new features related to the family reconciliation of those hired, since it provides that if suspensions occur due to the concurrence of situations of maternity or paternity, risk of pregnancy, adoption or foster care, the entities may request the interruption and extension of the period of execution of the aid.

On the other hand, this year it will be the beneficiary entity who will have to submit the application electronically signed through the telematic procedure available at the electronic headquarters, together with the rest of the required documentation. Applications may be submitted by February 9.