The Consell de Mallorca reaffirms the commitment with the entities of the third social sector to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities

Jan 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

President Galmés has corroborated during a visit to Mater the commitment to create new places and stressed that this year the IMAS will allocate 76 million euros to the arrangement of places with entities, 22% more than in 2023.

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The commitment with the entities of the third social sector to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities

Creating an increasingly stronger network of public services, and increasing the number of specialized resources and places for people with disabilities to achieve maximum personal development and move towards full social inclusion is a priority for the Consell de Mallorca. This has been emphasized today by the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, to the management team of Mater.

President Galmés has known today the services that this entity has arranged with the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS) during a visit in which he has been accompanied by the councillor of Social Welfare, Guillermo Sánchez, the insular director of Persons with Disabilities, Maria Francesca Rigo, and part of the staff of Mater headed by Bárbara Mestre.

“In Mallorca, we have a very powerful third sector and the commitment of the Consell with the work developed by the entities is firm. They are an essential part of the social services of the island and, for this reason, we have to invest resources, time and efforts to help them to implement the work they do”, that is why, explained President Galmés, “this year the Consell will allocate more resources than ever to the care of people with disabilities. Specifically 79.6 million euros, of which 76 million will go to the arrangement of places with entities”.

The budget increase will increase the number of places arranged and, as stated in the Pacte per les Persones amb Discapacitat, continue to raise the price paid for each of them “which has grown by 14% since 2022”, a fact that “gives more stability to the sector, improves the working conditions of professionals who perform the work and also results in the attention to users and their families”.

Specifically, last month the Consell, through IMAS, has increased by 55 the number of places arranged with Mater, from 455 to 510. The insular institution has agreements for the services of Day Center (105 places), Residence (46), Occupational Service (266), Supervised Housing (73), Housing Support (18) and Guardianship Foundation (60).

During the visit, both the president Galmés and the IMAS valued very positively “the innovative effort and model change that is implementing Mater to its structure to improve care for people with intellectual disabilities by growing and improving social services, thinking at all times to give everyone what they need.

For her part, the general director of Mater, Barbara Mestre, who thanked the visit, said that “Mater reaffirms its strong desire to collaborate with the insular institution” to “continue improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities”.