The Energy Transition Office has handled 380 queries from individuals and companies up to December

Jan 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The shared self-consumption projects have added 110 registrations of homes that will benefit, of which seven correspond to vulnerable families, and four to businesses.

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The Energy Transition Office

Up to December 1, the OTEIB has accompanied and managed the presentation of 37 applications and justifications for energy subsidies.

The Office for the Energy Transition of the Balearic Islands (OTEIB), promoted by the Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy through the Balearic Institute of Energy (IBE), has attended 380 consultations, both telematic and in person, since its inauguration on November 22 and until December, according to data collected in its monthly report, corresponding to December 2023, the latest available.

It should be recalled that the objective of the OTEIB is to advise, accompany and raise awareness, both among citizens and companies and local corporations, about the resources available to them to undertake changes that accelerate the fight against climate change.

According to the data contained in the last monthly report of the Office, of the total number of queries attended 154 have been requests for general information, a category that includes several topics ranging from queries on the status of files to information on the operation of the OTEIB, and 92 have been related to subsidy management. Another 68 requests have been related to the MELIB network and 48 have been referred to the shared self-consumption of the IBE, as a result of the opening of project registrations in Sa Pobla, Capdepera, Alcúdia, Calvià and Ciutadella. The rest of the consultations, 18, have been about the optimization of electricity or gas bills, complaints about invoicing or have been related to the energy rehabilitation offices, among other issues.

In December alone, the OTEIB answered 308 queries, of which 285 were made by individuals, 20 were carried out by companies, two were promoted by the municipalities of Alcúdia and Campanet and one was made by a non-profit organization.

Likewise, between November and December, the OTEIB has accompanied and managed the presentation of applications and justifications of grants by private citizens. Specifically, these were NextGen 45 photovoltaic, Moves III, micromobility for individuals, NextGen Companies, NextGen Photovoltaic and NextGen Thermal. In this same period, up to ten queries from companies interested in energy issues and subsidies have also been attended.

Shared self-consumption

During this time, the technical staff of the OTEIB has visited various municipalities to publicize the IBE’s self-consumption projects with open registration processes. These meetings with neighbours and town councils have served to publicize these initiatives and facilitate the registration of up to 110 homes, seven of which correspond to vulnerable families, and four businesses.

In addition, in municipalities such as Sa Pobla, Sencelles, Calvià, Sóller or Llubí the itinerant team has met with civil servants and public officials or has installed a stand so that neighbours can make consultations.

In terms of awareness-raising actions, since its implementation, technical staff of the OTEIB has held meetings with the European project ARV-Climate Positive Circular Communities of the Urban Planning area of the City Council of Palma; with the offices for energy rehabilitation of the Regional Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility; with the Board of the Official College of Architects; with the energy transition business cluster of the Balearic Islands; with the Official Association of Property Administrators; with the Network for Social Inclusion of the Balearic Islands; with the Association of Neighbors of Palma and with schools interested in photovoltaics, as well as in educational projects on climate change and energy transition. These meetings have served to explore synergies and collaborations.