The building acquired to relocate regional government staff will save 1.5 million euros a year in rent.

Jan 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The building acquired to relocate regional administration staff will save 1.5 million euros a year in rent.

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Will save 1.5 million euros a year in rent

1.5 million euros in annual rent savings
The purchase, worth 20.7 million euros, will enable the concentration of 430 public employees who are currently dispersed in different rented properties.

Vice-president Antoni Costa stressed that “the Balearic Government aimed to make savings, and this was a good opportunity at a competitive market price”.

The Vice President and Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Antoni Costa, visited this Monday the building on Calle Ter (Polígono de Son Fuster) that was recently purchased for 20.7 million euros from Caixabank, SA. This purchase will mean a saving of 1,509,601.05 € per year in rental costs and will allow the relocation of a total of 430 public employees who are currently dispersed in different rented properties.

The building had been partially rented by the Autonomous Community since 1 March 2017, and it had been noted that there was a shortage of space in publicly-owned buildings to house the staff who provide administrative services. “The objective was to make savings, we thought it was a necessary purchase, and this was a good opportunity at a competitive market price”, said the Vice-president of the Government after completing the visit to the facilities.

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation was accompanied by the Minister of Education and Universities, Antoni Vera – 425 public employees of this Ministry already work in the building, occupying practically the entirety of one of the two towers of the building -; the Director General of the Treasury, Heritage and Financial Policy, Susana Pérez; and the Director of the Caixabank Institutions Centre in the Balearic Islands, Hilari Pérez.

Before the purchase of the building, the annual expenditure on rents in the municipality of Palma, destined for administrative uses, was 3,777,746.85 €, and the number of public employees providing services was 1,323. This situation has made it necessary to propose measures to rationalise spending and optimise spaces to streamline administrative management and improve citizen access.