Representatives from companies such as Google and Accenture will give talks at the STEM Talks at the CentreBit Menorca

Jan 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The CentreBit Menorca will host the seventh edition of the STEM Talks on the 25th and 26th of January. This event, organised by the Bit Foundation and promoted by the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Innovation, will feature expert speakers from universities, scientific disseminators and representatives from companies such as Google and Accenture. The talks can also be followed live on the YouTube channel.

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Give talks at the STEM Talks at the CentreBit Menorca

STEM Talks Menorca is one of the leading science and technology dissemination meetings that brings STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) closer to Balearic society. It is aimed primarily at professionals in the sector on the island, allowing them to make contacts and meet experts first-hand, but also to anyone interested in science and technology, especially young students in secondary education, high school, vocational training and university, who can delve into various current and cutting-edge fields of study that will serve as motivation to pursue studies related to these areas of great professional demand.

The regional secretary for Innovation and Digital Society, Antoni Carmona, and the manager of the Bit Foundation, Sebastián González, will give the institutional welcome to the STEM Talks. The first day, 25 January, will feature a talk by Cynthia Gálvez López, creative technology manager at Accenture Song, who will talk about spatial computing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). The second presentation will be given by Martí Ras Segura, product manager at Vottun, who will show what blockchain is and what it is used for, beyond cryptocurrencies. The first day will close with Juantomás García, Director of Forecasting at SNGULAR, who, through the magic of cards, will explain how artificial neural networks work.

On the second day, 26 January, the STEM Talks will be divided into two sessions. The first, which will begin at 10 am, will feature María Rosario Fernández Gallegos, associate professor and researcher at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), who will explain the application of Biosciences in obtaining new drugs and antibiotics; Emilio García Fidalgo, assistant professor at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), who will debunk the myths of AI with his talk “Beyond Fiction: Robotics and AI to Transform the World”; and will end with “The Bearded Physicist”, the lecture by Adrián García, communications technician at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC, UIB-CSIC) who will talk about interdisciplinary physics. Also, during the same morning, there will be a round table of university students during which students who opt for higher studies will be able to ask questions about these studies and will be able to resolve all those doubts about future professions in STEM subjects.

On the afternoon of the 26th, the second session of talks will be held, with the participation of Karina Gibert, professor and director of the Intelligent Date Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (UPC), who will talk about Artificial Intelligence beyond chatGPT and machine learning. Next, Luis Velasco, chief data architect at Google, will show how to make a machine learning model. The last talk will be given by Marta P. Estrellas, executive director at Kilimanjaro Tech, who will show how quantum computers are designed. Finally, the territorial delegate of the Bit Foundation in Menorca, José María Seguí, will conclude this seventh edition of the STEM Talks.

Google Developers Group Menorca (GDG Menorca) is a non-profit community of technology stakeholders and developers to disseminate new technologies to create community and learning. Together with the Bit Foundation and the Consell Insular de Menorca, it is organising this event to bring STEM knowledge to Menorcans and Balearic society as a whole. In the words of the project’s promoter, Alexandre Alemany, “STEM Talks Menorca is an inclusive, safe and open event with a very clear objective: to spread STEM knowledge to anyone interested. Whoever you are, if you want to learn about STEM, you are welcome to do it with us, in the community”.

To attend the conference in person, prior registration is required on the event’s website Those interested in following the STEM Talks telematically can do so live through the official channel of the Bit Foundation on YouTube.