The Consell de Mallorca celebrates the first day of collaboration of margers with AMADIBA students

Jan 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The participants have worked on the maintenance of a section of the Dry Stone Route in So n’Amer.

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Celebrates the first day of collaboration of margers with AMADIBA students

The Department of Environment, Rural Environment and Sports of the Consell de Mallorca has celebrated this Wednesday the first day of collaboration of margers with students of the Association of Parents of People with Disabilities of the Balearic Islands (AMADIBA), in which the participants have worked on the maintenance of a section of the Dry Stone Route of the public estate of So n’Amer.

This initiative is the result of a collaboration between the Department of the Environment of the insular institution and the special education centre Cuatro por Cuatro Palma, of AMADIBA, with the group of students of trades tasting. This action has allowed six students and two teachers to learn about the craft of marger and discover this ancient technique.

The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, together with the island’s director of the Environment, Luis Rubí, went to the So n’Amer estate to thank the students in situ for their participation in this training activity.

“We are delighted to collaborate in this activity that allows us to disseminate the work of margers and teach these students to cobble a piece of the Dry Stone Route. It is important to disseminate the work of rehabilitation and conservation of the dry-stone heritage, which represents one of our greatest heritage and landscape riches in Mallorca, specifically in the surroundings of the Tramuntana mountain range”.

The Department of the Environment’s brigade of margers accompanied the students during the maintenance work on the section of the hiking route. The second day of collaboration of margers with AMADIBA students will take place on 24 January.