Foreign workers exceeded 2.7 million in December, 8.5% more than a year ago

Jan 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This is the highest level of foreign affiliates in the seasonally adjusted historical series.

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Foreign workers exceeded 2.7 million in December

Social Security registered 2,712,113 foreign affiliates in December, after discounting seasonality and the calendar effect. This is the highest level of contributors of foreign origin, after adding 12,839 members in the last month. Since February 2020, before the impact of the pandemic, the system has recorded an increase of 522,692 workers from other countries.

This figure represents 13% of the total number of Social Security affiliates in December in seasonally adjusted terms.

Average enrolment
In average terms and without seasonal adjustment, i.e. in the original series, Social Security registered 2,668,776 foreign affiliates this month, 1,112 more than in November. Of the total, 862,013 workers came from European Union countries (32.3%) and 1,806,763 from third countries (67.7%). The largest groups of employed persons are from Romania (333,334), Morocco (323,143), Italy (175,743), Colombia (175,570) and Venezuela (148,928). Of the total, 56.1% are men and 43.9% are women.

Over the last twelve months, the average number of foreign workers has grown by 8.5%, i.e. 208,057.

66,235 Ukrainian members
Among other nationalities, there are 66,235 members from Ukraine. This is 18,976 more than in January 2022, when the war had not yet started, an increase of 40.1%.

Most of the workers from Ukraine, about 87%, are in the General Regime (they are employees) and 13% are registered as self-employed.

Schemes and sectors
Overall, 83.7% of foreign affiliates were in the General Regime, with 2,232,848 workers. Within the sectors, the one that added the most workers was Agriculture (1.9%), together with the Special Agricultural System, which increased by 2.2%. On the other hand, the number of workers fell, mainly in Construction (-1.7%) and in the Hotel and Catering sector (-1.6%).

For its part, the Self-Employed Scheme registered 431,696 foreign affiliates. Of all self-employed workers, 14.8% came from China, 10.9% from Romania and 9% from Italy.