“La llengua camina” offers new opportunities to share the language

Jan 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The activities, which will take place on the four islands, begin with two excursions in Menorca on the 21st and 28th of January, on the occasion of the Diada de Menorca (the Day of Menorca)

New opportunities to share the language

The Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) resumes “La llengua camina”, an initiative to promote the use of the Catalan language through excursions. The activity aims to create spaces of socialisation in which Catalan speakers and people who want to practise the Catalan language participate and thus generate contexts and situations in which learners are in contact with Catalan.

The two initial activities will take place on the island of Menorca. The first excursion will take place on Sunday 21 January along the Camí Vell des Migjorn. The second meeting is scheduled for the following Sunday in January, the 28th, in the castle of Santa Àgueda. During the year, the activity will continue to be developed with the programming of different excursions in the rest of the islands.

This initiative, which is completely free of charge, will also serve to raise awareness of the heritage, natural and cultural elements of our islands.

The director of the IEB, Llorenç Perelló, who will actively participate in one of these excursions, to the castle of Santa Àgueda, affirms that “activities like this one promote a habitual use of the language with those speakers who begin to use it”. Moreover, Perelló adds, “it is important for speakers to see that Catalan is a used language and that they can share it with the society that welcomes them”.