The Consell de Mallorca restores the canalisation of the mill of Lluc

Jan 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, has announced an investment to bring this 14th-century element of Mallorca’s ethnological and industrial heritage back into operation.

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Canalisation of the mill of Lluc

The Consell de Mallorca, through the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium, will allocate a grant to the Lluc sanctuary to restore the 14th-century water mill channelling on the Ca S’Amitger estate. This was announced by the Councilor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, during a visit to the sanctuary, accompanied by the island’s Director of the Serra de Tramuntana, Antoni Solivellas; the island’s Director of Coordination, Sandra Morell; and the Deputy Mayor of Escorca, Joan Vicens, along with Prior Marià Gastalver and Deacon Antoni Moreno.

Councillor Antoni Fuster stressed the importance of the Lluc sanctuary “as the home of all Mallorcans” and emphasised that “they always open their doors to anyone who wants to come and enjoy any kind of event”.

The Lluc mill is an element of Mallorca’s ethnological and industrial heritage, located in the Josafat valley and next to the path that leads to the sanctuary from Son Amer. In 2011, its existing cladding and paving were already restored.

The restoration project

Antoni Solivellas, director of the Serra de Tramuntana, explained that the walls that make up the underground channel that leads and supplies water to the sanctuary from the Josafat spring, which passes through a safareig and continues to the mill, will have to be restored.

Solivellas explained that the work will consist of cleaning the route of the irrigation channel and restoring the walls that make up the channel. In addition, the restoration project includes the subsequent repair of the stone wall on the sides, which will restore its original shape.

In this way, it is planned to recover its functioning to show its value as a flour mill and sawmill of the island, a vital condition to be an attraction for visitors.

During the visit, a meeting was also held to discuss the needs of the surrounding area of the municipality of Escorca. Fuster stressed the importance of “being able to share objectives to help preserve the landscape of the Serra, and to collaborate with the projects of such a representative place as the Lluc sanctuary”.

This year, the island institution will allocate 55.6 million euros to environmental policies, which is 4 million euros more than last year. Specifically, the amount earmarked for the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium for 2024 is 2,600,000 euros.

During this day, all those present attended the emblematic daily singing of the blauets of the Escolania de Lluc.