Social Forum against trafficking for sexual exploitation meets for the first time in this parliamentary term

Jan 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, the Secretary of State for Equality and the Eradication of Violence against Women, Aina Calvo, and the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Carmen Martínez, have met with the Social Forum against Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation.

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Social Forum against trafficking for sexual exploitation

The Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, the Secretary of State for Equality and the Eradication of Violence against Women, Aina Calvo, and the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Carmen Martínez.
The Social Forum against Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation (FST) is a collegiate body with institutional participation of ministerial departments, administrations, institutions and specialised organisations.

Its purpose is to favour the exchange of information and points of view between organisations specialised in the care of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation and administrations with competencies in the field to improve collaboration between all the actors involved with a focus on the promotion and protection of human rights.