The creation of 21 new posts for educational technical assistants in the Balearic Islands is authorised

Jan 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The positions have been created by the Regional Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations at the request of the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities.

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21 new posts for educational technical assistants in the Balearic Islands are authorised

\ The new ATEs will be distributed among all the islands and will reinforce the attention to diversity in the classrooms of the educational centres.

The Consell de Govern has authorised the creation of 21 new positions for educational technical assistants (ATE) in the Balearic Islands to meet the needs of students.

The new positions, created by the Regional Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations at the request of the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities, will reinforce care for students with special educational needs. The new technicians are in addition to the 335 currently created in the Balearic Islands (241 in Mallorca, 30 in Menorca, 59 in Ibiza and 5 in Formentera).

With the creation of these 21 new ATE positions, the Government of the Balearic Islands reaffirms its commitment to strengthening attention to classroom diversity.