Inca protects the Pota del Rei area

Jan 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Inca Town Council has promoted and developed various actions to protect, recover and promote the Pota del Rei area. “This project aims to dignify this area, highlighting and protecting its heritage value while recovering the traditional use of the Pota del Rei for family recreation,” explains the town planning councillor, Andreu Caballero.

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Pota del Rei area

Thus, the perimeter of the area has been marked with wooden piles and the Pata del Rey has been protected with a perimeter of wild olive trees and rope. The plaque with the legend has also been renewed and benches and picnic tables have been installed. A lookout bench with views of the Serra de Tramuntana has also been installed.

Legend has it that King James I was at the top of the Serra de Tramuntana when he observed how the Saracens were close to the Inca. He immediately spurred his horse, which leapt onto the Molinos mound. The horse stamped its foot so hard that it left a mark that can still be seen today.