The Vinculum Awards will recognise the best final research projects of the Baccalaureate at a gala event at the Principal in Maó

Jan 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Next Wednesday, 24th January, the Vinculum Awards 2023 will be presented at the Principal Theatre in Maó, at a gala event attended by more than 500 students and teachers from the first and second years of the Baccalaureate schools in Menorca.

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Vinculum Awards

The awards are the culmination of a programme of the Institut Menorquí d’Estudis (IME) which aims to involve high school students in the study of Menorca through their research projects. The programme also aims to promote research carried out in Menorca.

The host of the gala will be Enric Culat, a science communicator in the Balearic Islands and technical coordinator of the Unit of Dissemination and Scientific Culture of the University of the Balearic Islands. He will be accompanied by Manuel Calvo, PhD in Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology from the UB and a professor at the UIB, who will explain the archaeological discovery of the Cova del Pas in Ferreries. In the second talk, Eva Marsinyac, a graduate in Marine Sciences and researcher at the IME-OBSAM, and Ricard Borràs, a graduate in Marine and Environmental Sciences and member of the IME, will tell us about their relationship with the sea and how they live it from a professional and personal point of view.

The awards will be presented by the Conseller de Cultura, Educació, Joventut i Esports de Menorca, Joan Pons Torres, and the rector of the UIB, Jaume Carot.

The Vinculum Programme follows several lines of action such as the creation of an annual catalogue where topics can be proposed for Research Work and members of the IME can help both teachers and students. In addition, content is provided and trainers are provided in the courses organised by the CEP to improve knowledge of research methodology in general. In the summer, workshops are also carried out by the students.

“The aim is to encourage and motivate high school students to study Menorca, and that students establish a closer link with the territory,” explained the Councillor for Culture, Education, Youth and Sports of Menorca, Joan Pons, at the press conference to present the Vinculum Awards, held this Thursday at the Consell Insular de Menorca.

“The programme was born at the end of 2022 as a result of the new subject of research work that students in the baccalaureate have. The call for applications has been very well received. Nineteen studies have been presented, 9 of which have researched Menorca. The topics of study have dealt with mathematics, technology, art, history, economics, social and even a poetry book,” said the scientific coordinator of the IME, Marta Jordi. The awards aim to reward the quality work of students from Menorca’s schools and at the same time encourage young Menorcans to carry out research, especially on Menorcan subjects, establishing links between local research and the education sector.

The awards have two categories: projects focused on Menorca and general projects. The prize for each category is 2,000 euros: 1,500 euros for the school and 500 euros for the student, with the possibility of publishing the work in the magazine Menorca. Each educational centre on the island has been able to present up to a maximum of two works per category through the citizens’ folder, with a title and without revealing the authorship.