Ibiza will promote its sporting offer at Fitur as a seasonal element

Jan 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Eivissa will have a 200-square-metre stand with the participation of the island’s five local councils and 13 private tourism companies.

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Ibiza will promote its sporting offer at Fitur

The Consell de Eivissa will be promoting its seasonal offer between the 24th and 28th of January at the FITUR tourism fair, the main event for the national tourism market and one of the most important in the world. Last year, more than 280,000 people visited this event, which takes place at the Ifema Exhibition Centre in Madrid.

The president of the Consell de Eivissa, Vicent Marí, and the head of the Department of Tourism Promotion, explained that the domestic market is currently the main source of tourists arriving on the island. According to data from the airport operator AENA, 1,886,138 passengers arrived in 2023 from Spanish airports. This is 10.55% more than in 2022. The next most important market is the United Kingdom (925,414 passengers), followed by Italy (455,526 passengers), Germany (319,886 passengers) and the Netherlands (305,118 passengers).

By airports, the main national airport of origin is Barcelona (615,839 passengers), followed by Madrid (489,013 passengers), Palma (280,200 passengers) and Valencia with 177,989 passengers.

For all these reasons, Vicent Marí emphasised the importance of continuing to promote in the national market “a part of Ibiza that we must make better known, such as gastronomy, heritage, nature and sport, which is allowing tourist seasons to become longer and longer, which benefits companies and workers who can enjoy greater stability,” explained the president.
In this sense, “the Consell d’Eivissa’s commitment at this FITUR fair will go in two directions, promoting elements that help to consolidate the growth of the season, such as sporting events, and also making known to operators and businesspeople the Consell d’Eivissa’s commitment to training and specialisation of the island’s human capital, with a strong promotion of the Hotel and Catering School, as well as future infrastructures such as the Student Residence, the Official Language School or the Bit Centre, which will soon be a reality in the Sa Coma Island Services Park”.

The Eivissa standThe Eivissa stand (Hall 9 – stand 9C01) will have 299 square metres divided into a welcome area, a presentation area and a meeting area. In total, there will be 18 exhibitors at the stand, of which 5 are town councils and 13 are private companies.

On the 24th and 25th of January, the stand will be the setting for various presentations by private companies and town councils, which will be entertained with a sample of local gastronomic products by chef Marga Orell. The Consell d’Eivissa, for its part, will be promoting the sports on offer at an event to be held on Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Comet Madrid venue.

Event with elite sportsmen and women

The main event to promote Eivissa as a tourist destination will take place on Thursday, 25th January, in the ‘Comet’ hall at Calle Alfonso XII, 30 in Madrid. This event will be presented by the television personality Lourdes García Campos and will be attended by outstanding sportsmen and women such as the half marathon record holder Carlos Mayo, the sailor Guillermo Altadill, who has completed 7 of the 10 round the world races in which he has taken part, cyclist Alberto Contador, winner of 7 grand tours, Tour de France winner Óscar Pereiro, Olympians Dani Mateo and Marc Tur, middle-distance runner Reyes Estévez, ultra-distance runner Juan Dual, triathlete Marta Sánchez and trail runner Núria Picas.The town councils

This year the five town councils will be represented at the stand with a stand each. Present at the press conference were the mayors of Santa Eulalia del Río, San José de Sa Atalaya and San Juan de Labritja and the councillors for tourism of Eivissa and San Antonio de Portmany.

Eivissa Town Councillor Laura Planells explained that the city will focus its promotion on the 25th anniversary of its declaration as a World Heritage City, accompanying this event with a powerful cultural programme. For Ibiza, in addition to culture, the gastronomic aspect “is strategic for attracting visitors outside the high season months”. In addition, the Eivissa Town Hall will present an innovative artificial intelligence system for tourism that will improve “the experience of travellers and the council’s strategic knowledge of them”.

This year, Santa Eulària des Riu is reinforcing its interest in promoting the family, leisure, cultural and sports tourism segments, aimed at different visitor profiles, with the renovation of different products also standing out. In this sense, the mayoress Carmen Ferrar must