The Consell de Mallorca offers 29 jobs through the programme “SOIB Reactiva”

Jan 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It is a call addressed to unemployed people or long-term unemployed people.

The Consell de Mallorca offers, through the programme “SOIB Reactiva”, 29 jobs for unemployed people or long-term unemployed. These are contracts for six months, which are divided into two lines: line 1 for people under 30 years old who are unemployed; and line 2, for people over 30 years old in a situation of long-term unemployment. The places on offer have already been published in the BOIB and the deadline for applications is 25 January.

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The Consell de Mallorca offers 29 jobs

The “SOIB Reactiva” offer provides work options during the low season when job offers are fewer. This program can also serve as a first work experience in public administration and open up new professional possibilities for the unemployed, as well as bringing the administration closer to the general public.

The profile of the vacancies offered by the Consell de Mallorca is very diverse: administrative staff, cleaning and maintenance staff, forestry labourers, margers labourers, linguistic dynamizes or higher technicians (juridical, economist, journalist, social education, geographer), etc. To apply, click on the following links: line 1 under 30 years old, line 2 over 30 years old.

“SOIB Reactiva” is a six-month public hiring programme in town councils, island councils and associations of municipalities, as well as the entities that depend on them or are linked to them, aimed at financing projects that promote the hiring of unemployed young people and people over 30 years of age in a situation of long-term unemployment, as groups with more difficulty of insertion in the labour market. The aim is to enable unemployed people who have not been able to enter the labour market to maintain their skills and improve their professional re-qualification.