The plenary session of Congress approves the reform of Article 49 of the Constitution, the first with social content since its entry into force

Jan 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On 18 January, the extraordinary plenary session of Congress approved the Proposed Reform of Article 49 of the Spanish Constitution, which extends the rights of people with disabilities and removes the expression “physically, sensorial and mentally handicapped” from the text.

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The plenary session of Congress approves the reform of Article 49 of the Constitution

This amendment is the third since the Constitution came into force, but the first with a social content. The new text is adapted in language and content to the current reality and international terminology.

Thus, the new wording of Article 49 recognises that persons with disabilities exercise the rights provided for in Title I in conditions of real and effective freedom and equality. It also establishes that the public authorities shall promote policies that guarantee the full personal autonomy and social inclusion of people with disabilities, in universally accessible environments, and shall encourage the participation of their organisations, under the terms established by law. Finally, particular attention will be paid to the specific needs of women and minors with disabilities.

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with Parliament, Félix Bolaños, attended the plenary session, in which the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, stressed that the reform “settles a moral debt with people with disabilities” and recalled that “the transcendent aspect of politics is the effect it has on people’s daily lives”.

The bill was approved by 312 votes in favour and 32 against and sent to the Senate for its definitive approval.