The Consell de Mallorca will celebrate the Dia de la Pau a la Misericòrdia (Day of Peace in La Misericordia)

Jan 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of 700 students from different schools on the island will meet at the cultural centre to say no to violence.

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Dia de la Pau a la Misericòrdia (Day of Peace in La Misericordia)

The Consell de Mallorca will celebrate the Day of Peace at La Misericòrdia. A total of 700 students from different schools of the island will meet at the cultural centre, next Tuesday, January 30, to say no to violence.

The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, explained that “it is intended to instil the culture of peace, tolerance and respect for the little ones”. Roca detailed that the schools that have joined this initiative are La Salle de Palma, Sagrat Cor de Palma, Sant Vicenç de Paül de la Vileta, La Miraculosa, CC Sant Francesc d’Assís de Palma, CC Arcangel Sant Rafel, CEIP Jafudà Cresques, CEIP Felip Bauçà, CCEI Sol Ixent d’Inca and CEIPIEEM Son Serra de Palma. Among the 700 attendees, there will be students of all ages: from first grade to fourth grade ESO.

These schools have received, this week, some cards, provided by the Consell de Mallorca, in which a peace column has been drawn. On the 30th of January, to celebrate the School Day of Peace and Non-Violence, the schoolchildren will go to the Misericordia with the painted cards and a mosaic will be made. In addition, after this day, an exhibition will be held at the cultural centre with the students’ drawings. During the event, a manifesto will be read, songs will be sung and there will be dancing.