The government formalizes the continuity of free transport services under regional jurisdiction for 2024

Jan 27, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The initial extension for January is extended to all of 2024 once the royal decree law assigning the state funding has been approved.

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The continuity of free transport services under regional jurisdiction for 2024

\ The state subsidy for 2023 has been insufficient and the government has assumed an additional cost of more than 7 million to finance the gratuity.

The Consell de Govern has formalized the continuity of free travel on the means of transport of autonomic competence (train, metro and intercity bus of Mallorca) for 2024. The initial extension of the gratuity by the Governing Council for January is extended to the whole year, once the royal decree law that allocates state funding, as the Govern had claimed, to maintain the bonuses in the price of season tickets and multi-journey tickets of the collective land transport of the Balearic Islands.

The agreement extends for the whole year the 100% bonus to all trips made with the Intermodal Card on the buses of the TIB network, the train and the metro of Mallorca. On December 22, the Government extended the free travel temporarily, for January, pending the pronouncement of the Government of Spain on the request to extend the bonus for the whole year, as previously agreed for the Canary Islands.

Through Royal Decree-Law 8/2023, approved last December 27, on measures to face the economic and social consequences derived from the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, among other issues, it has been established that the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands will receive a state subsidy of 43 million euros this year to establish a 100% discount on the price of season tickets and multi-journey tickets for land public transport in the Balearic Islands.

This is the same amount that the Government of Spain assigned to the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands for this concept for 2023, whose corresponding amount for public transport of autonomous competence (train, metro and intercity bus of Mallorca) was 14.7 million. However, as the Government had already warned, the state subsidy received by the Autonomous Community last year has been insufficient.

The real cost has been 21.8 million so the Government of the Balearic Islands has had to assume an additional cost of 7.1 million to cover the lack of state funding allocated. The Government claimed yesterday Thursday in Madrid, to the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, the compensation of the real cost of the gratuity, both for 2023 and 2024.
In addition, the Autonomous Community usually assumes the cost of the bonuses established for certain groups, an amount that during 2023 has been 6.4 million, corresponding to the bonuses already existing previously in several profiles of users of the train, metro and intercity bus network of Mallorca.