Mallorca’s Commitment to Responsible Tourism is strengthened

Jan 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

14 municipalities of the Mancomunidad del Pla present their adhesion to the pledge and the measures to make it feasible.

This morning at Fitur, the Consell de Mallorca has taken another step forward in its strategy to promote and encourage responsible tourism. The Commitment to Responsible Tourism launched at the last World Travel Market in London goes a step further and implies a new perspective in the management strategy of the island, which involves both locals and tourists and aims to continue adapting the tourism strategy of the destination to a changing landscape.

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Responsible Tourism is strengthened

In the words of the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, the pledge consists of a “proposal for a change in the model of promotion, communication and brand management” that places special emphasis on the areas of branding and promotional content. With a projection into the future, it recognizes the importance of sustainability and responsible tourism, with the ambition of projecting a quality image of the destination in a global and competitive market. The future of the island lies not only in the hands of its visitors and residents but also in the hands of local and international institutions that work closely to achieve a balance between the environment and travellers.

Pla del Pla Association
To strengthen this commitment and to continue advancing on this path, the 14 municipalities of the Pla de Mallorca have attended the tourism fair in Madrid to publicize their project to incorporate the Pledge into their strategic plan. A plan that is endowed with 3 million euros from European funds. In this way, the 14 municipalities of the Pla adhere to and support the new policy of promoting responsible tourism in Mallorca.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca stressed that “our purpose is to promote social and environmental coexistence within a framework of sustainable development of tourism, driven by the increasingly widespread consideration of travel as a growing priority in life”.
The president added that all of this is accompanied by a mission to protect and regenerate the qualities that make Mallorca a wonderful place to live, with the benefit of being equally wonderful to visit. “With a vision to promote a model of responsible tourism activity within our environmental and social limits. And with a strategy focused on the environment, social and governance.”

Culture as a fundamental part of responsible tourism
Precisely, the vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, highlighted the role that culture plays in the promotion of responsible tourism. In addition, she detailed that it is not only the offer of cultural events, but also the culture that goes beyond, “the one that shows who we are, our crafts and our traditions”.

“The crafts of Mallorca are the best way to know the origins of the island,” said the vice president and councillor, “and that is why we are about to register the brand Artesania de Mallorca: a distinctive quality that will allow Mallorcans and visitors to value local products and quality as they deserve. Roca has insisted that some municipalities that have joined the pledge today are great references in this aspect: “In Algaida we can find the Gordiola factory, where 300 years ago that blown glass is made, declared, since a few weeks ago, World Heritage Site by Unesco”.

The Commitment
The contents of this commitment cover eight main areas of action, which adhere to different Sustainable Development Goals, thus reinforcing the initial message of the pledge.

Mallorca will be your home for a while, take care of it as if it were yours. – To remember that the environment deserves the civic behaviour of its visitors.
Appreciate and protect nature, it will reflect it. – It is encouraged to enjoy the nature of the island, but always with respect.
The traces of unforgettable moments will be the only thing you leave behind. – Minimizing ecological impact on an individual basis is fundamental to conscientiously consume natural resources.
Local is the key. Buy, Consume and Live Locally. – Support the local economy, with the consumption of gastronomic and artisanal products.
Observe marine life. Just take pictures, don’t kill more time. – Respect and enjoy the seabed.
Rs to protect the environment; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. – Live more sustainably, recycle and be aware of the elements that pollute.
Communities at heart. Local Guests: Global Tourist, Local Heart. – Guests and residents are the ones who have to take care of Mallorca.
Soul of a wonderful destination to live and visit at the same time. – An incitement to adhere to the Commitment, to remember that preserving the beauty of Mallorca is a common effort.