The general director of Territory and Landscape resigns from the post

Jan 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The general director of Territory and Landscape, Laura Colom Seguí, has resigned from her position in the Govern de les Illes Balears to join a career civil servant position of architect of the City Council of Maó, having to join in a six-month internship period.

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The general director of Territory and Landscape resigns from the post

The agreement of the Consell de Govern about her resignation, published this Saturday in the BOIB, provides for the cessation with effect from Friday, January 26 and thanks her for the services rendered to the regional administration, within the team of the Conselleria de Vivienda, Territorio y Movilidad.

Until now general director has been appointed as an official of the City Council of Maó in the process of stabilization. In this case, according to the bases established by Consell de Menorca, unlike other administrations, she must pass a six-month internship period to obtain the position.