Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Greece, Gold Medal of the Balearic Islands 2024

Feb 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Govern has also approved this year’s Ramon Llull awards.

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Queen Sofia of Greece, Gold Medal of the Balearic Islands 2024

\ These are the highest awards granted by the CAIB and will be presented on 29th February at the Llotja.

The Consell de Govern has agreed to award this year’s Gold Medal of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands to Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Greece, for her close ties, commitment and collaboration with different social entities in the Balearic Islands. The Gold Medal is the highest award granted by the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands and its purpose is to honour the merits achieved, individually or collectively, by individuals or legal entities that have distinguished themselves through their personal or professional career in the defence, promotion or advancement of the institutions and general interests of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands.

During the Consell de Govern held this Friday, approval was also given for the awarding of 16 Ramon Llull prizes, a distinction that aims to honour and distinguish, individually and collectively, individuals and legal entities that have stood out within the territory of the Balearic Islands for services rendered in the cultural, sporting, business, social, research or teaching spheres.
The Gold Medal and the Ramon Llull awards are the highest prizes awarded by the Autonomous Community and will be presented at a ceremony on 29th February at the Llotja de Palma.

Gold Medals

-H.M. Sophia of Greece (Psijicó, 1938)

Since her marriage to the King Emeritus, HM. Sofia of Greece has been strongly linked to the Balearic Islands, specifically to Mallorca, where she spends long periods of time staying at the Marivent Palace. This appreciation for Mallorca has also translated into private visits to see first-hand the social projects being developed on the island and to get a closer view of the people who live here.

Doña Sofía stands out for her invaluable dedication to social and welfare activities. The Queen Sofia Foundation, established in 1977, manages and promotes numerous educational and health projects, as well as social and humanitarian aid projects, which have benefited children, the elderly, migrants, people with disabilities and those affected by natural disasters. Also, one of the foundation’s main lines of action has been the Alzheimer’s Project, where 27 research projects have been carried out to date. And an early diagnosis project is currently being carried out, the “Vallecas Project”, with a budget of 1,800,000 euros and the help of 1,000 volunteers.

In the Balearic Islands, its dedication to social and solidarity projects is also noteworthy, for example, by actively collaborating for years in the different activities of the Proyecto Hombre association.

He is awarded the Gold Medal of the Balearic Islands 2024 for his unwavering dedication to the solidarity projects he undertakes that benefit society, for his involvement in the world of culture and for his participation in the social projects that are developed in Mallorca, and in recognition of his links with and promotion of the Balearic Islands.

Ramon Llull Awards

Enric Benito Oliver (1944)

He is one of the most recognised medical oncologists in the field of palliative care nationally and internationally. With more than 91 scientific papers published, he maintains an active commitment to education, teaching at universities and carrying out research. He is an honorary member of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (SECPAL) and is the creator of the Ibero-American Forum ‘Spirituality in Palliative Care.

Beatriz Morales-Nin (1951)

She is a marine ecologist and the leading Spanish expert in sclerochronology studies. She has received multiple awards such as the Oceans 2020, from the Atlantic Society of Oceanographers, in recognition of her contribution to marine science and social awareness in defence of the oceans. She is a research professor at IMEDEA and has been the first woman manager of the National Plan for Marine Science and Technology, promoting the role of women in the world of science. She has published more than 250 research articles and seven books and has participated in more than 82 scientific projects, many of them focused on changes in ecosystems due to climate change.

Jose Antonio Fayas Janer (Maó, Menorca, 1938)

He is an outstanding Doctor in Civil Engineering and a reference in hydraulic matters. He has been president of the Ateneo de Maó, is a founding member of the Instituto Menorquín de Estudios (IME) and a member of the Board of the Círculo de Economía de Menorca, among others. He was dean of the Balearic Islands branch of the Association of Civil Engineers from 2000 to 2006. He holds the medal of professional merit of the Association of Civil Engineers. His commitment to the sustainable development of water resources and his contribution to the advancement of fishing practices stand out.

Mater Misericordiae (Palma, Mallorca, 1964)

In 1964, the Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Mercy founded Mater with the pioneering aim of providing a health and educational response to the needs of the smallest and most vulnerable, with the desire to alleviate their suffering and restore their dignity. Today they provide comprehensive care for people with functional diversity from birth. In 2024 they celebrate 60 years of history and currently employ 450 professionals and attend to more than a thousand users.

Talayotic Menorca

Historical ensemble made up of 1,586 archaeological sites of the Talayotic culture on the island of Menorca, included in the candidacy ‘Menorca Talayotica. An island cyclopean odyssey’, which successfully achieved its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2023. This inclusion highlights the rich heritage of the Balearic Islands and demonstrates the commitment of citizens and institutions to its conservation.

Es Baluard (2004)

The Es Baluard Museum, inaugurated on 30th January 2004, celebrates its 20th anniversary and is a benchmark for the conservation and dissemination of contemporary art in the Balearic Islands. This is thanks to the exhibition of more than 700 works of art linked to artists from the islands and internationally renowned artists, and to the development of a programme of temporary exhibitions, cultural activities and educational and training cycles.

Joan Planells Ripoll (Eivissa, 1933)

He is a priest and historian. In 2007 he received the Consell d’Eivissa Gold Medal in recognition of his teaching work on Ibiza and for his work to gain in-depth knowledge of the culture, traditions and idiosyncrasies of Ibizan society. He is the author of several books and articles on local history on religious orders, lineages and families.

Xavier Fiol Gallery (Palma, 1989)

Founded in 1989, the Xavier Fiol Gallery is a benchmark in the promotion and dissemination of contemporary art in the Balearic Islands for the whole of society. The gallery, thanks to its founder, Xavier Fiol, has participated in international art fairs and has consolidated a programme that combines the projection of young emerging artists with established artists. The gallery also organises cultural events such as music concerts, conferences and round tables. Throughout its history, the gallery has reaffirmed itself as a place for debate on the intellectual side of art.

Llorenç Rosselló Horrach “Lorenzo Santamaría” (Santa Maria del Camí, Mallorca, 1946)

Lorenzo Santamaría took his artistic name from his hometown. He became fond of music as a child when he was given a harmonica and listened to French and Italian music on the radio. He began his musical career as a singer in a group called ‘Z-66’ in the sixties. During the seventies he started as a soloist, and his success continues to this day. In 1985 he released an album in Catalan “Entre cella i cella”, which contains a Catalan version of Joan Manuel Serrat’s Mediterráneo. This year, after a 50-year career, he announced his retirement and said goodbye to his audience in the Auditorium, singing some of his greatest hits such as ‘Para que no me olvides’ and ‘Si tú fueras mí mujer’.

Balearic Islands Palma Futsal (Manacor, 1998)

Since its foundation in Manacor in 1998, Illes Balears Palma Futsal has not stopped growing and has awakened the enthusiasm for futsal among the youngest players by raising awareness, promotion and training. On a social level, it has managed to increase its fan base year after year and to spread the name of the Balearic Islands all over the world. The team has achieved two historic milestones in 2023: winning its first two titles in its 25-year history. First, the team brought home the UEFA Champions League and just over two months ago they became World Champions by winning the Intercontinental Cup.

Mariona Caldentey (Felanitx, 1996) and Cata Coll (Pòrtol, 2001)

Mariona Caldentey was born in Felanitx in 1996 and Cata Coll in Pòrtol in 2001. Both Mallorcans are footballers and play for FC Barcelona in the First Division. Mariona plays as a striker and Cata as goalkeeper. Both have a brilliant career as elite sportswomen and thanks to their discipline and perseverance they have managed to become world champions at the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand with the Spanish national team. They have also managed to win the Champions League with FC Barcelona. Both have also been leaders in the fight for the rights of women footballers, giving a lesson to the world in the face of sexist attitudes and actions.

Sebastian Pons (S’Alqueria Blanca, Mallorca, 1972)

The Mallorcan designer has one of the most important careers on the national and international scene after being for years a great friend and right-hand man of the world-renowned designer Alexander McQueen. After years of creating art all over the world, Sebastian Pons decided to give back home and bet on an artisan and sustainable fashion based on the roots of our land. His awards include the award for best designer of the year from the Council of Fashion Designers of America and the Onda Cero Mallorca 2023 Award for Design and Trends.

Ramon Llull posthumously

Gabriel Sampol Mayol (Montuïri, Mallorca, 1936 – 2023)

He was a renowned Mallorcan businessman who stood out for his entrepreneurial and innovative character, receiving in 2011 the Medal of Merit for Work. He dedicated his entire life to the Sampol Group, of which he was president. SAMPOL went from being a company dedicated to the manufacture and repair of radio equipment to a multinational group with 100% family capital. It is dedicated to the development and execution of engineering projects applied to the energy sector, renewable energies, digitalisation, telecommunications and integral installations, with a commitment to sustainability.

Teresa Costa Castelló (Formentera, 1974-2022)

With a degree in teaching from the UIB, she was a point of reference for her educational work, her selfless commitment and her exceptional humanitarian work as a volunteer for the most disadvantaged people. She was a teacher and headmistress of the Sant Ferran public school. Teresa Costa took an active part in the parish life of Formentera, founding in 2017 the NGO Formenterers Solidaris to assist the most disadvantaged of Formentera during the social crisis caused by the pandemic.

Maria José Massot Ramis de Ayreflor (Palma, 1952-2023)

She was an archivist and doctor in history, specialising in the history of furniture in the Balearic Islands. She carried out valuable research that paved the way for the perception and conservation of documentary and immovable heritage assets. She stood out for her work “El Mueble en Mallorca” (Furniture in Mallorca), in which she inventoried and analysed the rich movable heritage of the great manor houses of Mallorca throughout its history.