Inca pays tribute to Miquel Beltran in the Memorial of Oblivion

Feb 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Beltran was mayor of the Inca from 33 to 36 and a very relevant figure in the historical and social heritage of the capital of Raiguer.

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Inca pays tribute to Miquel Beltran

During the ceremony, once again this year, a wreath was laid in memory of the victims of the Civil War in Inca.
The recognition includes an exhibition dedicated to his figure, which was inaugurated today.

The City Council of Inca has celebrated, in the Cloister of Sant Domingo, the traditional Memorial of Oblivion. This year the event was dedicated to the figure of Miquel Beltrán Planas, the Republican mayor of the capital of Raiguer between 1933 and 1936, and a very prominent personality in the municipality in the social, political and historical field.

This initiative is part of the cycle of Inca memory, which takes place during February to recover and disseminate the historical memory of the city. “We are here to make a memory and speak out loud and proud of those people who, with great courage, worked to leave a better world for their own and all their society and who paid for it with their lives. one way or another. It is time to speak out loud and do justice and repair, through memory, “said the councillor of Democratic Memory, Alice Weber.

Regarding the figure of the former mayor of Inca, Weber stressed that “Miquel Beltran was an active man with a critical spirit, founder and member of various local groups that fought for a more just, democratic and free society and for that reason, from September 1936 he was repressed, persecuted, imprisoned and watched”.

During the ceremony, the traditional wreath in memory of the victims of the Civil War was made, with the musical accompaniment of the group Cofre Antic that has interpreted “El Cant del Pájaros”. This tribute, as every year, has had the participation of the City Council of Inca, the collective memory of Mallorca, the collective Recerca and the Darder Mascaró Foundation, among other associations.

Finally, it should be noted that within the cycle “Inca has memory”, the City Council of Inca has also organized an exhibition dedicated to the life of Miquel Beltran Planas (1933 – 1936). The exhibition, installed in the Sala de Cristal del Claustro de Sant Domingo, was inaugurated today, just before the celebration of the Memorial of Oblivion.