The Guardia Civil gives a course to the staff of the Hospital de Inca to deal with assaults

Feb 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Last year fifty-four aggressions were counted in the Raiguer health center

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Guardia Civil

Representatives of the Guardia Civil have come today to the Hospital Comarcal de Inca to give the first session of a course aimed at all the centre staff, to give advice and provide tools to deal with aggressions. This course has been given in the framework of the Health Police Interlocutor program designed by the Ministries of Health and Interior, through Instruction 03/2017 of the Secretary of State for Security.

Commander David Navarro, the main speaker of this informative course, has given recommendations for situations that occur before, during and after assaults. For example, he spoke about the importance of removing throwing objects from the user’s reach, having exit routes, maintaining a safe distance, speaking in a calm tone at all times and filing a complaint with the Police or the Civil Guard.

Last year there were fifty-four aggressions to the staff of the Hospital Comarcal de Inca, of which fourteen were physical. Eighty-five per cent of the aggressions were against women, mainly nurses and TCAE. Most of the aggressions took place in the Hospitalization and Emergency wards, although there were also aggressions in consultation rooms, in the Psychiatry Unit and Admission. On the other hand, it is significant that of the fifty-four aggressions recorded at the Hospital Comarcal de Inca, twenty-six were perpetrated by repeat offenders.

From now on, the Hospital Comarcal de Inca will have a health policy interlocutor. Its function will be to advise professionals and implement specialized preventive measures.