The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs announces grants for cooperation projects for a maximum of 3.3 million Euros

Feb 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs has announced a line of subsidies for cooperation projects for global transformation for a maximum amount of 3,320,000 euros. Of these, 2,510,000 correspond to current transfers and 810,000 to capital transfers. The projects will have to be executed in 2024.

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The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs announces grants for cooperation projects

The call, published today in the Official Gazette of the community, aims to contribute to eradicating poverty in the territories of the South and, consequently, to improve the living conditions of the population. It also facilitates the participation of the civil society of the Balearic Islands in solidarity projects and aims to promote society’s awareness of the reality of the territories of the South.

There are two types of grants. NGODs may only apply for one of them and present a maximum of two projects. The sum of the grant applications may not exceed 125,000 euros in the case of one modality. Or 60 thousand, in the other.