Transfer of finalist funds authorized to expand oral health benefits

Feb 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The amount of this finalist fund is 1.8 million euros.

\ It benefits children from 0 to 14 years old, pregnant women and oncology patients.

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Oral health benefits

The Consell de Govern has authorized the current transfer to the Health Service of the Balearic Islands to develop the finalist funds aimed at the expansion of oral health services for an amount of 1,803,537 euros.

The indicated fund will be transferred by the Ministry of Health to the autonomous communities to carry out the plan for the expansion of the common portfolio of oral health services in the National Health System.

These extensions involve the modification of Royal Decree 1030/2006, of September 15, which establishes the common services portfolio of the National Health System and integrates the following extensions in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands:

  1. Children from zero to six years old.

Until now, they were offered information and treatment of acute dental processes. With the expansion, 64,000 children will receive treatments such as the application of substances for prevention, the sealing of pits and fissures and dental cleanings.

  1. Pregnant women

A clinical examination is offered to determine the state of oral health and the risk of caries or gum disease. Oral preventive treatments and dental cleanings are also provided, as well as advice on preserving the baby’s oral health.

  1. Children from six to fifteen years of age

The benefits offered through the PADI (Programa de Asistencia Dental Infantil – Children’s Dental Assistance Program) are maintained. It should be noted that, in the Balearic Islands, the PADI offers an additional year of care up to the age of fifteen.

  1. Persons over fifteen years of age with intellectual disabilities or with other disabilities that make self-care impossible.

The same benefits provided to the population from zero to fifteen years of age (PADI) will be offered throughout life.

  1. Patients with oncological processes in the cervicofacial area.

Treatments for oral prevention and dental cleanings that are necessary to avoid oral lesions derived from oncological treatments of radiotherapy and chemotherapy will be dispensed.