The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports will offer cultural and sporting activities for all ages on the occasion of the Day of the Balearic Islands

Feb 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Cultural and sporting activities aimed at all citizens of all the islands on the occasion of the Day of the Balearic Islands

Cultural and sporting activities aimed at all citizens of all the islands on the occasion of the Day of the Balearic Islands. This is the proposal devised by the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports through the General Directorates of Culture and Sports and their attached entities and centers.

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Day of the Balearic Islands

On March 1 the appointment is on the stage of the Big Tent installed in the Sagrera promenade with the children’s show El llibre màgic del gran Cassanyes. Aimed at children from 3 to 10 years old, it is a theatrical and magic show that promotes the importance of books and reading. The Great Cassanyes is a peculiar magician who after traveling around the world has forgotten how his magic games were made and with the help of his books and children will try to recover them. There will be two performances at 11 am and 5 pm.

On the other hand, the Archive of the Kingdom of Mallorca (Calle Ramon Llull, 3 – Palma) will offer two guided tours for the general public and with a maximum capacity of 20 people. It will be on Tuesday 27th at 6 pm and Thursday 29th at 5 pm.

The Archive of the Kingdom of Mallorca is a modern and functional architectural ensemble that holds one of the most important documentary collections to deepen the history of our community. You will be able to visit different areas such as the researchers’ room, the digitization and restoration room or the storage room, where original documents from the 13th century onwards are kept. Reservations must be made in advance: 971 17 73 40 –

The proposal of activities of the Public Library of Palma – Can Sales approaches to different ages prior registration at 971 17 60 30.

Tuesday 27 at 6 pm, a storytelling by Lluís Valenciano (Myotragus Teatre) entitled El retorn del senyor dels contes, for children from 4 years old.

Thursday 29 at 11:30 am, historical itinerary “Pirates and privateers” by Iván Cerdà (Mallorca insólita).

On Thursday 29 at 12 pm is the turn of the family audience. With a storytelling by Raquel de Manuel (Lletra Encantada), El vaixell vermell.

Finally, on Thursday 29 at 6:30 p.m. will be the small-format theater of the Menorcan Beta Teatre with Dona i arxiu.

At the Museum of Mallorca (Calle de la Portella, 5) all activities are free and no reservation is required. The planned activities are as follows:

Wednesday 28 February, 11 h. Thematic visit “Saints and demons that remain present”.

Wednesday 28 February, 5 p.m. Guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Los pies vestidos. Another reading of the collection” and works from the permanent collection related to the exhibition.

Thursday, February 29, 12 noon. Guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Los pies vestidos. Another reading of the collection” and works from the permanent collection related to the exhibition.

Thursday, February 29, 5 p.m. Guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Los pies vestidos. Another reading of the collection” and works from the permanent collection related to the exhibition.

Wednesday, February 28, 18:30 pm. Conference on “The blown glass intangible heritage of Unesco 23. The Gordiola, a lineage dedicated to glass. By Marisa Aldeguer Palou.

For its part, the Directorate General of Sports will organize, as every year along with the FESAIB, adapted sports activities in the Passeig del Born.

Guided tours in Eivissa
Also in Ibiza there will be guided tours, specifically in the Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera – Necropolis of Puig dels Molins.

Tuesday 27 at 12 h: Visit to the necropolis of Puig des Molins and the Phoenician-Punic rooms of the Monographic Museum Puig des Molins.

Wednesday 28th at 12 h: Visit to the temporary exhibition of the MAEF “For our lady, Tinnit, the Mighty. The plaque of Es Culleram 100 years later”.

Thursday 29 at 12 pm: Visit to the Conservation and Restoration Laboratory of MAEF.

For more information: 971 17 60 90.