The Bombers de Mallorca renew all the uniforms of protection for urban fires

Feb 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Mallorca strengthens the commitment to modernize the equipment of the Emergency service

The Direcció Insular d’Emergències has completely renewed the protective uniforms used by the Bombers de Mallorca during firefighting operations in confined spaces. This way, the Consell de Mallorca’s firm commitment to reinforce this service and provide it with the best tools to be able to attend any emergency is evident.

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The Bombers de Mallorca renew all the uniforms

The new equipment has been designed with multiple layers that provide the complete protection required by firefighters in structural fire situations. These layers provide mechanical, thermal and waterproof protection to prevent dangerous or hot liquids from penetrating.

The conseller d’Hisenda i Funció Pública, Rafel Bosch, has assured that “we continue with our commitment to improve the conditions of the Bombers de Mallorca, offering them the best tools and infrastructures to develop their work, which is none other than protecting all Mallorcans”.

Most of the equipment in use was more than ten years old and, as a result of continuous use and cleaning processes, it was necessary to renew them to maintain optimum safety standards.

Due to the importance of protective uniforms in the work of firefighters, special attention was paid to the comfort of the wearer in the selection process. For this reason, the firefighters themselves participated in the selection process to evaluate the characteristics of the uniforms during the bidding process. The equipment chosen is the one that obtained the highest score during these tests.

One of the novelties is the addition of a rescue device on the back of the equipment, which facilitates towing and allows the firefighter’s body to be stretched from the shoulder in alignment with the axis of the spine. To improve the firefighter’s position in this maneuver, a Velcro system has also been incorporated in the sleeves, which allows the firefighter’s arms to be kept attached to the front of the body.

Moreover, to increase the wearer’s comfort and mobility, aramid-based fibers have been chosen. Although compared to other fibers on the market they lose a little thermal resistance, they improve the flexibility and lightness of the fabric.

Each piece of equipment carries a chip that will provide traceability during its useful life and will record information such as the user’s name, washings and repairs, among other relevant details.

The Direcció Insular d’Emergències continues with the modernization of the equipment of the Bombers de Mallorca. Last month two new trucks were presented to complement the current fleet of the corps, in addition to improving the infrastructure of the service. The integral reform of the Manacor park is already in the last phase, the project of the new Santanyí park has been approved and the service will be regrouped in the future headquarters of Marratxí.